Competition for your audience’s attention has never been as fierce as it is today.
Digital,social media and mobile have changed the game.

Differentiating your organisation, your brand, or your ideas in this new environment is critical.

So, what technique are you going to choose?

Our brains are “wired” for visual communication.

In fact, 64% of people are more likely to buy a product online after watching a video.

But how does the scientific rationale for using animated infographic videos translate to the world of business?

There is no doubt that our attention spans are becoming more compressed as technology and digital media become more prevalent in our personal and professional lives. In the age of information overload, data crashes over us like a tidal wave


New technology brings new challenges to overcome.

It also offers new opportunities to engage with your customers. 

One of the by-products of this new online reality is the “attention economy,” the idea that a consumer’s attention to information has become a form of currency.

A user becomes aware of your content, invests a brief amount of mental energy consuming that information and then decides whether to engage further.

In an era where time is at a premium and attention is becoming a precious commodity, your audience is looking for nuggets of information presented in the most digestible manner. 

Video is a great way to deliver this, with 96% of all mobile data traffic currently being video – and that number is growing fast. Using the right technique to communicate effectively with customers, colleagues and staff is vital. 

In addition - and representing a huge opportunity - is the fact that 92% of people like to share the videos they watch on their smartphone, increasing potential exposure exponentially.

Research shows that including a video on the homepage of a website can increase conversion rates by up to 80%.

It is also easy to deliver video by app or email. In fact, over a third of people only ever access their emails via their smartphone - and that number is growing too.

Infographics serve that need by presenting knowledge in an easy-to-digest format.


Video Animation designed to be delivered via QR Code on smartphone outside of residential property development site